Same shit, DIFFERENT brain

AMPLIFIES voices and connectS people by sharing mental health stories.

These stories are told to me, host and creator Rebecca Ryder, in both online and face-to-face spaces, as podcasts and live events. I’m really passionate about discussing what’s really going on in our minds as I spent so long being afraid of even Googling mental health support and, to be frank, I went through a period where I was terrified of even being alone with my own thoughts.

I started Same Shit, Different Brain as a podcast mid-Covid lockdown in January 2021, as I wanted to help people feel less alone in a socially-distanced world, and I missed people. I missed meeting new people and talking to them; finding out what makes them tick and discovering common ground.

I wanted to exchange stories of how everyone was navigating life mid-pandemic, and the lifelong experiences they’d had with their mental health - which we all suddenly became so much more aware of. Yet the stories we were mainly hearing over the pandemic were from celebrities and politicians, with the important everyday experiences of everyone else sidelined.

I knew we’d all be having common challenges we’d feel less alone in if we shared them. Because shame thrives on living in the dark, but once we air our difficulties and insecurities, they become so much lighter.

Of course, mental health problems are a complete spectrum but no matter what someone is struggling with, social connection is invaluable to good wellbeing. Letting each other know about the messy bits that make us human gives us a powerful feeling that we belong and we matter; and the contents of our brain shouldn’t make us isolated.

There’s always someone else who will be empowered by hearing your story.


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Read more accounts of mental health-related topics in the editorial section.